Journal of Endoluminal Endourology Editorial Board
Wasim Mahmalji, MBBS, BSc, MSc, MRCS, FRCS

Dr. Wasim Mahmalji MBBS, BSc, MSc, MRCS, FRCS is a Consultant Urological Surgeon at the Wye Valley NHS Trust, England, United Kingdom. He completed his urological training in the South London/Thames area in the UK in 2015 and at 34 years of age he became one of the youngest consultants in the UK in the same year. He has a specialist interest in stone disease, Core Urology, Endourology and Education.
He obtained his medical degree in 2006 from Queen Mary University of London. Further higher degrees include a BSc in Sports and Exercise Medicine from Queen Mary University of London (2005) and an MSc in Advanced Surgical Practice from Cardiff University (2012). He is also a Member (MRCS 2009) and Fellow (FRCS 2014) of the Royal College of Surgeons, England in Urology.
Dr. Mahmalji has performed over 7000 urological procedures, both elective and emergency and was the first surgeon to offer the UroLift procedure in the NHS in the West Midlands. He has also been involved in investment of state of the art stone holmium lasers and ureteroscopies at his hospital. He attends frequent meetings and courses to stay up to date.
Appointed as stone and education lead at his hospital and West Midlands Urology Audit Lead, Dr. Mahmalji has always been heavily involved in audit, research, teaching and training to both under and post graduate students. He now chairs the West Midlands, UK audit and research meetings. He is also the Senior Academy Tutor for International Medical Education, John Ross Postgraduate Medical Centre Wye Valley NHS Trust, England, United Kingdom
He has had the privilege of multiple podium presentations at the Royal Society of Medicine (RSM) UK, the British Association of Urological Surgeons (BAUS), the European Association of Urology (EAU) and other international conferences. He has also won and been shortlisted for multiple urological awards and prizes.
He has published 3 chapters in a urological text books and has been a lead and/or co-author in many publications with many pending and has has reviewed for multiple journals.
Daron Smith, MA, BMBCh, MD, FRCS(Urol)

Daron Smith is a consultant urological surgeon in the endourology / stone team at the Institute of Urology at University College Hospital, London.
He qualified in 1994 from Oxford University, having completed his undergraduate medical sciences degree at Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge. His training in Urology was undertaken on the North West London training scheme, during which time he completed an MD at Imperial College, supported by a prestigious grant from the British Urological Foundation. His subspecialist endourological training began at St Mary's Hospital, continued at Guy's Hospital and included two fellowship spells at the Institute of Urology at UCH. He was initially appointed as a Consultant Urological Surgeon to Imperial NHS trust in 2007, before moving to back to the Stone and EndoUrology unit at UCH in 2009.
His practice encompasses the comprehensive management of Urinary Tract Stone disease, and includes the endourological management of ureteric obstruction, ureteric injuries, and the endoscopic diagnosis and management of upper tract TCC, leading to his coining the phrase "endoluminal endourology" to describe this form of urological surgical practice.
He is a keen and committed teacher, from "hands-on" skills training through didactic lectures including the scientific basis of urology course, the FRCS(Urol) revision course and acting as the course organiser of the “Modern Management of Stone Disease” at the BAUS International annual conference. Dr. Smith was elected to the BAUS Section of Endourology Committee in 2013, and was appointed the committee’s Honorary Secretary in 2016 and Vice Chair in 2018. He is also the Consulting Editor for stone disease for the BJUI.
Dr. Marco Bolgeri, FRCS (Urol) FEBU

Dr. Marco Bolgeri is a full-time Consultant Urological Surgeon with special interest in the management of urinary stone disease and complex Endourology at St.George’s Hospital, a high volume tertiary referral centre in London with over 500 Endourology cases performed per year.
Dr. Bolgeri graduated with honors from the University of Udine, his hometown in Italy, and subsequently moved to the UK, where he completed the entirety of his postgraduate training including his higher training in Urology on the London South Thames Programme.
During his training Marco developed a special interest in Stone disease and complex Endourology, and refined his skills working in tertiary referral centres such as St.George’s University Hospital and University College London Hospital, where he completed a year-long post-CCT Fellowship, developing competences in minimally invasive percutaneous stone treatment (UltraMini and SuperMini PCNL) and endoscopic combined intrarenal surgery (ECIRS) for the treatment of complex stones and strictures. He is looking to set up a minimally invasive PCNL service at St. George’s in the near future.
Dr. Bolgeri is a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons (FRCS Urol) since 2013 and of the European Board of Urology (FEBU) since 2014. He is also a member of the British Association of Urological Surgeons (BAUS).
Dr. Bolgeri has an interest in research related to urinary stone disease. He has been involved in the recruitment of patients onto NIHR-funded multi-centre studies such as SUSPEND and TISU, and he is now involved in recruitment for the PUrE trial. He has completed a Master degree in Urology at University College London. His research project on novel biomarkers of renal injury in patients with ureteric stones collected several awards including the Geoffrey Chisholm gold medal and the Dean’s Postgraduate Master’s Project 1st prize 2015/16 at University College London. He is currently setting up research trials on stone-related sepsis and pre-procedural antibiotic prophylaxis at St. George’s.
Dr. Matthew Bultitude MSc FRCS(Urol)

Dr. Matthew Bultitude is a Consultant Urologist in London and works at Guys' and St. Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust. He is clinical lead for the department and has a subspecialist interest in the management of stone disease. He previously undertook fellowship at the Alfred Hospital in Melbourne to further his surgical experience in 2008-9. Whilst at Guy's and St. Thomas' he also spent a dedicated period of time in research analysing a number of different topics in the surgical management of stone disease. He has published widely in peer reviewed journals and presented at national and international meetings. He has been an invited speaker at many international meetings. He has been the Honorary Secretary of the Urology Section of the Royal Society of Medicine and is an Associate Editor for the BJU International.
Dr. Sung Yong Cho

Dr. Sung Yong CHO graduated from Seoul National University in Korea. As a surgical urologist who specialized in diagnosing and treating people with urolithiasis and benign prostate hyperplasia, he is in charge of Stone-Endourology Center in the SNUH group (Seoul National University Hospital and SMG-SNU Boramae Medical Center). He is one of the members who are leading the stone surgery such as flexible ureteroscopy surgery (f-URS), supine and miniaturized percutaneous nephrolothotomy (PCNL), and Endoscopic Combined IntraRenal surgery (ECIRS) in Korea & East Asia. Dr. Cho is actively performing Anatomical Endoscopic Enucleation of Prostate (AEEP) using Holmium Laser (HoLEP) and bipolar electrodes (BipoLEP/TUEB) as well. He is the Korean representative of the Asian Guidelines of Urolithiasis Panels. Dr. Cho has successfully fulfilled many educational works and live surgeries in the urology conferences.
Dr. Jonathan Cobley, MBBCh, MRCS

Dr. Jonathan Cobley is a Urology Trainee in the South West with a special interest in Endourology. He completed his undergraduate studies at Cardiff University and stayed in South Wales for his Foundation Years. Before moving to the South West he completed Core Surgical Training in the West Midlands deanery, before spending one year as a Urology Clinical Fellow in Hereford County Hospital.
Dr. Janak Desai, MS, MCh (Urology), FRCS (Glasgow)

Dr. Janak Desai is a Practicing Urologist in Ahmedabad, India - Samved Hospital and was awarded the B C Roy award by Medical council of India. Dr. Desai was also nominated as Honorary Corresponding member of DGU – German Urology Society. Dr. Desai was also nominated as member of EULIS (European Urolithiasis Society) in which only five International members are nominate. Delivered the “David John Lecture” at the Royal Society of Medicine Meeting in 2012 and was invited as International faculty for the RSM (Royal Society of Medicine) in 2018.
Dr. Desai was given honorary FRCS by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, Glasgow in 2018. He s the innovator of UMP (Ultra Mini PCNL) and the instruments are made by Schoelly GmbH, Germany; They are called “UMP by Janak Desai”.
Dr. Desai's primary interest is stone disease and has completed about 12000 PCNL surgeries and several flexible ureteroscopies. Has contributed a chapter in the “Smiths Textbook of Endourology,” and was awarded the Presidents Gold medal by the Urology society of India in January 2019. Has also done PCNL workshops in about 35 countries of the world.
Dr. Ananda Kumar Dhanasekaran, MBBS, DNB, MRCS, MCh(Urol), FRCS(Urol)

Dr. Ananda Kumar Dhanasekaran is a Urology Consultant in Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust. He is NICE Guidelines Lead for his trust. He is also Clinical Effectiveness and Governance Lead for Urology. He completed postgraduate degrees in both Surgery and Urology. He completed MCh in Urology from University of Edinburgh with distinction. He completed Endourology Fellowship with Mr Subu Subramonian. He received Educational Grant from Health Education of England for 2018. He has been involved in the recruitment of patients onto to various international studies like IDENTIFY, ASSUME etc. He has many original research papers and two book chapter publications. He has many poster and podium presentations in various international meetings.
He has special interest in Endourology and Teaching. He introduced Mini and Supine PCNL for renal stones and Prostatic Urethral Lift procedure for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia in his trust. He is Specialist Lead for Urology in MBChB programme for Birmingham Medical School. He is a Senior Academy Undergraduate Tutor for University of Birmingham and Core Urology Postgraduate Tutor for University of Edinburgh. He is also Urology Section Editor for Journal of Medical Case Reports and Reviewer for various Urology Journals. He received Certificate for Outstanding Reviewer for Urology Journal in 2017.
Brian Eisner, MD

Dr. Brian Eisner is a urologist at Massachusetts General Hospital whose practice focuses on Endourology and surgical and medical therapies for stone disease. He is a graduate of Harvard University (AB cum laude 1998), University of Michigan Medical School (MD with research honors 2002), Harvard Medical School Residency Program in Urology at Massachusetts General Hospital (2008), and University of California-San Francisco Fellowship in Endourology and Stone Disease (with Dr. Marshall Stoller, 2009). He has over 100 peer-reviewed publications and has taught and lectured worldwide on the topics of Endourology and Stone Disease. He currently is an Editor of Journal of Endourology Case Reports, a member of the Editorial Board of World Journal of Urology, and a former assistant editor of Journal of Urology (2014-2018).
Dr. Jonathan Glass

Dr. Jonathan Glass is a consultant urologist and stone surgeon at Guy’s Hospital having been appointed in 1999. He introduced flexible ureteroscopy and Holmium Laser lithotripsy to the stone unit at Guy’s in 2000. He has experience in minimally invasive stone surgery and has performed over 750 PCNL’s ranging in age from 11 months old to 91 years. Dr. Glass is the senior stone surgeon at Guy’s and has developed an interest in stone disease in patients with neurological pathology and stone disease in children.
Within British urology, Dr. Glass has been a Training programme director for over 10 years and is now on the Surgical Advisory committee for Urology. He has been on the committee of the section of Endourology of the British Association of Urological Surgeons (BAUS) since being elected in 2010; In 2014 he was elected as secretary and from September 2017 he has become chairman of the section. Dr. Glass sits on the council of BAUS. He has been on the faculty of the BAUS ureteroscopy course, the Advanced PCNL access course and the Modern Management of Stone Disease course as well as teaching on the section of endourology residential course. He has been contributing author to over 40 peer reviewed papers.
Dr. Mudhar N Hasan M.D, FEBU

Dr. Mudhar N Hasan is a Consultant Urologist at Danderyd Univeristy Hospital and Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden. Dr Hasan graduated from College Of Medicine at Baghdad Univeristy and completed his urological training at Karolinska University Hospital in Stockholm 2010 and was the Head of the Department of Urology at Danderyd Hospital and Karolinska Institutet between 2012-2017. He was the youngest head of department and one of the youngest consultant urologists in Sweden.
Dr. Hasan built up the endourology and robotic units at Danderyd University Hospital. The Endourology unit at Danderyd University Hospital is one of the 3 largest units in Sweden. Dr. Hasan runs an annual DUST (Developments of Urinary Stone Managements) course, which is the only course in Sweden that covers all aspects in stone management. His field of expertise includes advanced endourological procedures and robotic prostate surgery, and his main fields of interest in research are urolithiasis and urothelial carcinoma especially UTUC.
Professor Richard Hindley, MSc, FRCS (Urol)
Professor Richard Hindley is a Consultant Urological Surgeon working at Hampshire Hospitals and also a Visiting Professor at the University of Winchester. His interests are minimally invasive treatments for BPH and Prostate Cancer. He was an Investigator in the PROMIS and PRECISION UK trials which have forever changed the diagnostic pathway for men with suspected prostate cancer. He is also an expert in fusion transperineal prostate biopsy and focal therapy for prostate cancer, using technologies such as HIFU and Cryotherapy. His research before becoming a Consultant in 2004 was related to both the investigation of detrusor underactivity and interstitial treatments for BPH.
Richard introduced cutting edge treatments to Hampshire Hospitals, including Greenlight Laser in 2005 and most recently the Rezum procedure in 2017.
Dr. Muddassar Hussain, MBBS, BSc, MSc, MRCS, FRCS(Urol)
Dr. Muddassar Hussain qualified as a medical doctor from King’s College London in 2006. He then completed two years as a Foundation Year doctor, followed by two years of general surgical and urological experience, both in the South-East of England. He started his five-year focussed urology training in London and Kent/Surrey/Sussex in 2010 during which time he completed two fellowship years in the management of complex stone disease and complex open renal surgery at Guy’s Hospital in London. Dr. Hussain also achieved a Masters degree with distinction in Urology from University College London during his early urological training. He then completed a Fellowship in robotic and laparoscopic kidney surgery at Frimley Park Hospital and continued on as a substantive consultant thereafter.
Dr. Hussain is Department lead on Frimley Park Hospital’s Clinical Effectiveness and Audit Committee, chairs a monthly Morbidity & Mortality meeting and is also Clinical Governance lead. He has publications in peer-reviewed journals, including urinary tract stone disease and BPH surgery, and podium presentations both nationally and internationally, and is Co-Investigator in two trials relating to prostate surgery for bladder outflow obstruction.
Bodo Knudsen, MD, FRCSC
Dr. Knudsen is the Director of the Comprehensive Kidney Stone Program at the Ohio State University Wexner Center and holds the rank of Associate Professor with Tenure. He holds the Henry A. Wise II Endowed Chair in Urology and is currently the Vice Chair of Clinical Affairs within the Department of Urology. Dr. Knudsen completed his medical school at the University of Manitoba in 1997 and his residency in 2002. He then completed fellowship in Endourology under the supervision Drs. John Denstedt and Stephen Pautler at the University of Western Ontario in London, Ontario, Canada. Dr. Knudsen joined the Ohio State University in 2005 and has been on faculty since then. His clinical practice is primarily focused on stone disease. Dr. Knudsen is a member of the R.O.C.K. Society and the EDGE Research Consortium. Dr. Knudsen has published extensively in the field of Endourology but also strives to achieve appropriate work/life balance and has been proactive in physicians achieving overall well-being.
Dr. Wayne Lam, BSc(Hons) MBBS(Lond) LMCHK MSc(Urol) FRCSEd(Urol)

Dr Wayne Lam is a Clinical Assistant Professor in Urology at The University of Hong Kong, and carries out his clinical practice and research both in Hong Kong and Shenzhen, China. He previously undertook his urological training in London, United Kingdom, including at Guy’s Hospital and St George’s University Hospitals. He had dedicated training in reconstructive urology, laparoscopic and robotic surgery, and endourology, including Anatomical Endoscopic Enucleation of Prostate (AEEP) with Holmium laser (HoLEP) and endoscopic management of urinary tract stone disease.
Dr Lam leads the urological research program at The University of Hong Kong. He has been an invited speaker at many international meetings, and performed live-surgeries. He actively involves in various postgraduate and urological training programmes, and regularly runs cadaveric and simulation based training courses in endourology, minimally-invasive surgery and reconstructive urology. He has published articles relating to stone disease, oncologic urology, and book chapters in various textbooks.
Dr. Jonathan Makanjuola

Dr. Jonathan Makanjuola is a Consultant Urologist at King’s College Hospital in London, UK. He has a specialist interest in stone disease and upper tract TCC. He was the first recipient of the prestigious BAUS/WCE Endourology fellowship, where he travelled to Sri Lanka to learn PCNL and surgical management of advanced stone disease. He has a background in health technology and in addition to his medical degree has a bachelors degree in Computer Science. He has worked as a software project manager for large multinational company. He had a secondment post to work for the UK Department of Health National IT program (Connecting for Health).
Dr. Makanjuola has an interest in implementation and evaluation of IT systems that are currently used nationally across the NHS. He has published and presented posters nationally and internationally in stone disease, urological trauma, surgical innovation/education and laparoscopy. He is a regular reviewer of submitted papers for three urological journals.
Dr. Jake Patterson, FRCSEd(Urol)

Dr. Jake Patterson is a Consultant Urological Surgeon at the Royal Hallamshire Hospital, Sheffield, having been appointed following training in Yorkshire, UK. He practices as an Endoluminal Endourologist and leads a busy multidisciplinary stone team with a large tertiary practice, including providing cover to the UK's second-largest regional spinal injuries centre. He has special interests in complex stone disease in neuropathic patients and also in medical device development, as well as ureteroscopic and percutaneous stone surgery and the management of other benign and malignant upper urinary tract diseases including the diagnosis and endoluminal management of upper tract urothelial cancer.
Dr. Patterson also holds a position as Honorary Senior Lecturer at the University of Sheffield and is an experienced and enthusiastic under-graduate and post-graduate teacher, especially in clinical skills tuition. He is an active researcher, acting as principle investigator for a number of multi-centre trials, and is a reviewer for most major Urology journals in the field of Endourology.
Dr. Yih Chyn Phan, MB ChB, MRCS

Dr. Yih Chyn Phan is currently a urology trainee in the Wessex deanery in the UK, with a special interest in endourology. Previously, he has worked under the supervision of Prof Abhay Rane and Dr Wasim Mahmalji. Throughout his urology training, he has been fortunate enough to present his work and projects in BAUS, WCE, AUA, EAU, and SIU conferences.
Professor Asif Raza MBChB, FRCS (Gen Surg), FRCS (Urol), FEBU

Professor Asif Raza MBChB, FRCS (Gen Surg), FRCS (Urol), FEBU is a Consultant urological surgeon. His NHS post is with London Northwest University Healthcare NHS Trust. He is Clinical Lead for a busy tertiary kidney stone service which offers all available treatments for non - complex and complex stones including a metabolic stone service.
He is an Honorary Associate Professor for Plymouth University Medical and Dental School and Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer (Imperial College Medical School, London).
He graduated from Glasgow University Medical School in 1991.
He trained as a specialist registrar in Urology on the East of Scotland Training Programme in Urology. He trained in Minimal Access Surgery / Endourology (keyhole surgery for kidney stones using laser and electrohydraulic lithotripsy) and during part of this period he trained in Laparoscopic Renal Surgery (keyhole surgery for both benign and malignant renal conditions).
He trained in the world renowned Scottish Lithotriptor (Stone) Centre Western General Hospital Edinburgh, in minimal access and stone surgery. He trained in Ninewells Teaching Hospital (Dundee) and the Cuschieri Laparoscopic training centre performing minimal access (keyhole) surgery during part of this period.
After completion of his registrar training he was appointed as a Consultant Urological Surgeon in Ealing Hospital (London) and Honorary Consultant at Hammersmith Hospital NHS Trust (London).
His areas of subspecialist interest are kidney surgery (keyhole and laser) with a particular interest in kidney stones. He has a particular interest in Imaging in urology and emerging technologies in surgery and imaging. He is an enthusiastic teacher involved with non urological staff, gp education and courses for urological trainees including the BAUS FRCS (Urol) Viva Course.
He is a core lecturer and Programme Director for Urology for the Rila Institute of Health Services.
Professor Seshadri Sriprasad, MBBS;DNB;MSc (Urol); FRCS; FRCS (Urol); FEBU

Professor Seshadri Sriprasad is a Consultant Urologist and Clinical Director at Darent Valley Hospital, Dartford in Kent (UK). He is a stone and laparoscopic surgeon and has a large endouroloical practice.
He is also the visiting professor of Urology at Canterbury Christ Church University and leads the MCh in urology programme.
Professor Sriprasad is in the British Association of Urological Surgeons (BAUS) council and represents South East Coast. He is the Honorary Secretary of the Urology Section of the Royal Society of Medicine.
Professor Sriprasad is a teacher and trainer in endourology and is an invited speaker to many national and international meetings. Published widely, he is the Associate Editor of the Journal of Clinical Urology.
Professor Bhaskar Somani MRCS, FEBU, DM, FFSTEd, FRCS (Urol)

Professor Bhaskar Somani is a Consultant Urological Surgeon at University Hospital Southampton. He is also the endourology lead there and clinical director of Southcoast lithotripsy services. He is well published with over 250 peer-review papers and 375 published abstracts with over 3800 citations. This includes 75 systematic reviews, 40 original article papers, 40 basic science papers and 22 education/simulation papers. He has also published several book chapters with a Research gate (RG) score of 46 and h-index of 36. He has also amassed grant money as co-Principal Investigator totalling £1.6 million. He is on the editorial board of 5 journals and a reviewer for 12 journals with a Publons peer review award in 2018 that put him in the top 1% of reviewers within the field of Clinical Medicine. He has also been an invited faculty member/chairperson for National/International meetings in over 16 countries.
He is currently the organiser for “hands on training” at the international EAU/EUREP course in Prague each autumn. He has many other international committee appointments including EAU Section of Uro-Technology (ESUT) Endourology group and the European School of Urology (ESU) Training and Research committee and is the President of PETRA (Progress in Endourology, Technology and Research Association). He has provided expertise to NICE (Infection guidelines and as a Specialist advisor to NICE Interventional procedures). He has been an elected member of the BAUS Academic section and the BAUS Endourology section.
Dr. Subu Subramonian, MBB., MS, FRCS (Urol)

Dr. Subu Subramonian works as Lead stone surgeon in Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham, a Regional referral centre. He specialises in complex stone surgery and upper tract laparoscopy. Having performed over 500 PCNLs, he is passionate about teaching keyhole surgery to trainees and mentoring colleagues in the region on all aspects of Endourology. His expertise includes transplant Endourology and Endourological management of complex Ureteric strictures.
He is a keen teacher and researcher and has published over 20 articles, 2 text book chapters and a Cochrane review. Under his supervision, 6 trainees have successfully completed a post qualification fellowship in Endourology and stone surgery and to become Endourologists.
He is the founder of Birmingham Stone Network, a Network of stone surgeons responsible for drafting out Regional guidelines for treating stones and information leaflets for stone patients. He is an elected member of the National Executive Committee of British Association of Urological Surgeons, Endourology subsection. He enjoys cycling and trekking in his spare time.
Dr. Kay Thomas, MBBS, MD, FRCS (Urol)

Dr. Kay Thomas has been a Consultant Urological Surgeon at Guy’s and St Thomas’ for 12 years, Clinical Director for Transplant, Renal and Urology services, Honorary Senior Lecturer, Kings College, London.
Dr. Thomas specializes in stone disease and has particular interest in cystinuria. She established a multidisciplinary clinic for this disease 10 years ago which has >180 patients attending and is now a European Reference Network Centre. She is a European Reference Network Disease Area Coordinator for rare urological and kidney stones, and co-chair for the cystinuria group of RADAR (UK Rare Renal Registry).
She designed, validated and published the Guy’s Stone Score now used in the British Association of Urological Surgeons PCNL registry. Dr. Thomas is a member of the NICE Renal and Ureteric Stone Disease guidelines panel and EAU Urolithiasis guidelines panel.
Mahmood Vazirian

Mahmood graduated from Cardiff University school of Medicine in 2016. In addition he completed a postgraduate master degree in Advanced Surgical Sciences awarded by the University of Edinburgh and the Royal College of Surgeons, with his thesis based on Urological trauma. He has presented various Urology research and Audit projects in International and regional platforms and has substantial experience in publishing, with a specialist interest in Urological Trauma. Having completed his Foundation training he is now completing a Urology themed Clinical Fellowship in the South Wales Deanery.
Dr. Oliver Wiseman, MA, FRCS (Urol)

Dr. Oliver Wiseman is a Consultant Urologist based at Addenbrookes Hospital, Cambridge, UK. He specialises in the treatment of kidney stones, including use of the holmium laser to treat kidney stones and in the minimally invasive management of patients with upper tract transitional cell cancer (TCC). He runs a number of training courses in the UK teaching stone surgery, and has been invited to operate and lecture nationally and internationally on stone disease.
He qualified in Cambridge and following basic surgical training, he underwent specialist training in urology in London, including at Guys Hospital and UCLH ("The Institute of Urology"). He has published widely including articles relating to the management of patients with renal stone disease, and has written articles for GP journals, and chapters in text books. He is actively involved in training medical students in Cambridge and training programme director for urology registrars on rotation in the East of England.
He is on the council of The British Association of Urological Surgeons (BAUS), a trustee and honorary treasurer elect of BAUS, and is on BAUS Section of Endourology. More recently he has been invited to be on the Awards Committee of the EndoUrological Society, and has also been asked to join the European Association of Urology Section of Uro-Technology (ESUT) as a committee member. In 2017 he was awarded the Karl Storz Harold Hopkins Golden telescope by BAUS, an award which recognises excellence in young urologists. He is the honorary treasurer elect and a trustee of The British Association of Urological Surgeons.