Article Processing Charges

The Dougmar Publishing Group (DPG), like other Open Access publishers, charges Article Processing Charges (APC) to individual authors and institutions to offset expenses usually covered by the subscriptions and advertisements of subscription-based journals. 

APCs are per article and invoiced after the author proof approval stage.  This ensures acceptance of the article by the Editor and successful completion of the peer review process, before the invoice is sent.  There are no additional charges based on color, length, figures, or other elements.  Letters to the Editor and small commentaries (up to 250 words), and select invited articles are not charged an APC.

An author’s ability to pay APCs is not a consideration in the decision of whether to publish.  Authors living in one of the United Nations' list of Least Developed Countries may request a fee waiver.  See country list here.

Authors living in countries not considered "least developed"  who do not have the ability to pay the APC's may be eligible for a reduced rate. Please contact the publisher directly at

All APC's are payable in US dollars, unless otherwise specified.  Please refer to individual Journals for current APC costs.